Wow. A lot is going on in the cannabis community. A lot of fighting about what is right - at least that is how I see it. Fighting on what should be done in the legalization battle. Patient use and recreational use. I hope I can get my thoughts out in a clear manner...
Bottom line, my opinion is cannabis, weed, marijuana, and all that comes from the plant - hash, kief - everything should be 100% legal for everyone across the board, not just "legal" for a person to use medically. I believe if you are old enough to fight for this country and lose your life you should be able to choose if you want to use cannabis. Now, I also understand 18 is a rather young age, but this is a non-toxic plant. It is not something that you can become addicted to and potentially kill people after using it and getting behind the wheel. I would be happy with full legalization at the age of 21. But again - for everyone. And this DUI thing is complete bullshit. I have said this before and I will say it again and again until I am blue in the face - I DRIVE BETTER WHEN I CONSUME CANNABIS! I am calmer, I am not freaked out I am gonna get hit by another idiot, I can concentrate a lot better on my surroundings instead of worrying who is going to do what and cause a crash... I do not like driving at night and I am very careful when I do smoke and drive. I sometimes suffer in pain when I decide it is safer for me to not smoke. This is always horrible, the pain gets so intense it makes me hurt more and more for days. I have been hit by several idiots driving - the main one was the drunk driver that almost killed the 4 of us in my car. I am paranoid while in cars. I do NOT want to be trapped in another car and my mind starts racing and I get panic attacks when I cannot stop my mind from racing. People are so afraid of those who consume cannabis and get behind the wheel. They are worried about what will happen when weed is legal and how many more car accidents there will be. Open your fucking eyes people, people are smoking and driving now! Get over your fear and let us show you we will not cause more accidents. I bet you will see a decrease in drunk driving accidents - yeah, you read that right - decrease.
I think what I heard today about keeping the weed out of reach like you are supposed to with booze is a rather good idea. I think marijuana should be legalized fully for everyone and taxed like alcohol. The benefits would be surprising to a lot and even more of us already know the wonderful outcome that awaits us as the rest of the country wakes up. I hope that all the fighting going on can be put to the side and everyone can band together and fight for what we say we have been fighting for - legalization. Not just for medical use. As Russ of NORML said - If you only fight for medical legalization, you will only get medical legalization. We need to all band together and fight for full FEDERAL legalization, as I have been saying from the get go. It is the only way. It will protect everyone, not just a select few.
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