I wasn't expecting any comments, but always welcome them. Even from my friends who think marijuana should stay illegal. I am hopeful that someday I will be able to open their eyes to the benefits of this plant, but will not hold my breath. Here is the comment from my friend:
This is ridiculous. I have a concealed carry permit. I can't operate a car stoned on weed because it impairs my ability , but I can carry a concealed handgun while stoned when my Judgement is impaired. One mistake from a pothead shooting someone will give all the gun control nuts the ammo they need to take my gun rights away. If people wanna get stoned in their own home, fine, but don't let them put my life in jeopardy. That's Oregon for you, socialist gay loving liberals. I am ashamed to work there. Ugh.
Now, keep in mind I no longer own a gun. But, I am an OMMP. I am also a pro-gun OMMP. I have even blogged about this issue before. But, I feel it needs more attention. So, here we go. This should be fun :)
First, let's touch on our rights here. Everyone who is a U.S. citizen has the right to bear arms, unless you screw up, like kill someone, rob a liquor store, commit a felony. You get the idea. Now, I believe this is fair.
Second, let's touch on the driving part of the comment. I am in the daily pain I am in because of a drunk driver. We all know drinking and driving do not mix. Marijuana and driving? Let me say something, marijuana helps me on the road. I am paranoid behind the wheel without cannabis in my system to calm me down. I think any person might hit me, a cop will pull me over for looking paranoid, my car will die and I will be stranded, seriously the list goes on and on. I know this will piss people off that I am openly admitting to smoking and driving, but oh well, this needs to happen. I am not the only person who does this. There are ongoing tests about driving under the influence of cannabis and also DUI from THC. People are being arrested for DUI in Washington State when SOBER!!! because the law says the amount of THC in their bloodstream must mean they are high. This is unfair. I will save this for another time. I know a patient in Washington State that has proven she needs marijuana to be able to safely operate her vehicle. Here is a link about driving while stoned:
Third, let's touch on impaired judgement. We all make choices. Some are good and some well, not so good. Now, when I smoke pot I can tell you my judgement is not impaired. I promise you my decisions would be the same if I was not smoking pot. Except for the fact that sober, I snap a lot quicker and think later. In my experience, this does not always work out for the best for me. Stoned, I am able to think about the situation and process it and make my decision. Now, let's compare my judgement sober vs stoned on cannabis vs stoned on morphine. This is where it gets fun for me. I have told about my past being not so good while on the legally prescribed morphine. I was not a good person. Here is a prime example of my shitty judgement while on morphine - I went to a store to get food and got caught shoplifting. That was scary, but did it stop me? No. Sadly it did not. Sober, I would not have stolen anything, stoned on pot I would not have done that either. I cannot even explain why I did it, I just did. I did a lot of things I cannot explain why I did them. I am ashamed and very much remorseful for my actions. Since I have stopped taking morphine - sober or stoned on pot - I have stolen nothing, I can explain my actions, I am honest. I am a better person now.
Fourth, let's touch on the one person that screws it up for everyone. No matter what this will always happen. No matter the issue, this will always happen.
Now, let me go where this has all been heading. While I can appreciate my friend's concern, I find the entire statement close-minded and not educated on the facts. I will not even touch the statement about gays because it offends me beyond words at this point. I will take that up with them later. This friend of mine I went to school with for a little bit. We got stupid drunk well under the age of 21 together. More than once. I won't even mention the driving - ooops. Now, I have not seen this person since we went to school together and partied under age doing illegal things. I realize we grow up and go down different paths. I accept and appreciate all the people I choose to have in my life. So the truth is this - marijuana is safer than you have been told. Period. I would not trust myself with a gun while on morphine. I have the right to protect my home. I have the right to hunt for my meal (just as I you do - I have seen the pictures). But because I smoke pot, my rights should be revoked!? Oh, hell no. I have not committed any felonies to have my rights revoked. I realize I did not write anything while I was taking morphine, but if you could ask some people who knew me (if they don't run away after you mention my name) I can guarantee you they would tell you I was a fucking idiot. My judgement was lacking. I made bad choices. I hope that if you ask someone who knows me now, they would tell you my choices have vastly improved. And, I smoke pot - every single day. Because I smoke pot - my rights should remain as they were. Not be taken away. I think maybe some sober versus stoned target shooting needs to take place. Maybe I can prove it visually if my words don't do it. Come drive with me sober and then come drive with me stoned. You tell me which you would want on the road with you. I already know which one I would prefer. I am not the exception. But, I would be more than happy to be the example.
I am posting this from Facebook:
ReplyDeleteJust a few comments on the blog post...
First - current Washington State law has to prove impairment to convict a DUI(C). An initiative currently collecting signatures (I-502), as introduced by New Approach Washington, will set per se DUI limits to 5ng/ml of active THC for adults over 21, and 0.00ng/ml for under 21 - which will guarantee convictions. We are trying to fight this by rejecting the initiative all together.
Please share the following link with your Washington friends, and other Oregon friends that have friends in our state: < >
Secondly, thank you for your honesty. You have said what many of us are afraid to say. Some people actually do benefit from using before driving.
It is important to make the distinction however, this is not true for everyone. It is not possible to make a uniform law to determine cannabis impairment for everyone. Others may actually be impaired at levels lower than the proposed 5ng.
Current law in Washington already allows for green DUI's. It is up to them to prove impairment, and you still have a defense. This should not change - ever.
Patients Against I-502 »
What do cannabis and text messaging have in common? You can take part in both activities in the morning, while posing ZERO risk behind the wheel the following evening. Great comparison written by Edward Agazarm, a respected political activist in Washington state! Texting while driving is dangerous...