Oh holy crap I am heated. I am 35. I look like every other "typical" person my age, but I live in constant pain. Sometimes you can tell and sometimes you cannot. Some days are better than others. I use marijuana to help me ease and deal with my pain, deal with anxiety, appetite issues (stemming from 12+ years of being on morphine from pain), sleep issues, and to help me chill out after a long day at work. Yeah, I use it for non-medical reasons as well, what are you going to do about it? But tell me I am faking my pain to get my medical marijuana card, ok it is ON.
Every single day I wish at some point I were dead so I would no longer have to feel this hell on a daily basis. My muscles ache and refuse to relax. My bones ache and grind against each other in my back, I have degenerative disc disease. I use the corners of walls to dig into my back to break up the muscle cramps and this is not always helpful. I have cried myself to sleep countless nights because of this pain. I have fallen because my legs give out from under me at random times. This also causes other pain that I get to deal with because I refuse to take the drugs the doctors keep trying to shove down my throat. I have nerve damage and issues that send this unreal sharp pain shooting down my legs and arms. It hurts to stand for any period of time, sit for too long without stretching and getting up to readjust my back, and if I lay in bed too long the pain can be unbearable. I am constantly asking my ex-boyfriend to help me pop my back and rub my back - seriously annoying if you are on the receiving end of these requests daily.
For pain I was given morphine. For nerve damage Neurontin (I may spell some drug names wrong - you will get the idea of what I mean). Sleeping issues I have been prescribe numerous sleep aids. Nausea I was given Phenergan. I cannot even recall the other drugs I was on, but there was about 10 to 15 total daily. Now, I smoke pot. It covers everything and my side affects are giggles and munchies.
So, you think I am faking, fuck you. You do not know me or anyone else who lives in pain like me. Just because you do not see our health issues does NOT give you the right to accuse me of faking to get pot. If I were not in pain and wanted pot, I would get it. I don't NEED your fucking cards, I CHOOSE to do the right thing, unlike you.